Antti Pussinen

Antti Pussinen (b.1984, Finland) is a multidisciplinary visual and sound artist based in Berlin, Germany. In his artworks he uses analog and digital electronics to recreate impressions of phenomena found in nature and the universe. His latest research explores the boundary between wave physics and real world using sound and waveform imaging. His artworks have been shown in Contemporary art museum Kiasma, Art museums of
Tampere, Jyväskylä, Kuopio, Hyvinkää and Kouvola in Finland; Suomesta Galleria Berlin, Freies Museum Berlin, DOX center for contemporary arts, Prague, Czech Republic and Center for Architecture, New York, USA, and several other venues. Since 2004 he is a founding member of the SWÄG collective, who runs a 2000m2 culture center in an old paper factory in Tampere Finland.

Antti Pussinen

Antti Pussinen (b.1984, Finland) is a multidisciplinary visual and sound artist based in Berlin, Germany. In his artworks he uses analog and digital electronics to recreate impressions of phenomena found in nature and the universe. His latest research explores the boundary between wave physics and real world using sound and waveform imaging. His artworks have been shown in Contemporary art museum Kiasma, Art museums of
Tampere, Jyväskylä, Kuopio, Hyvinkää and Kouvola in Finland; Suomesta Galleria Berlin, Freies Museum Berlin, DOX center for contemporary arts, Prague, Czech Republic and Center for Architecture, New York, USA, and several other venues. Since 2004 he is a founding member of the SWÄG collective, who runs a 2000m2 culture center in an old paper factory in Tampere Finland.

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Lissajous Black, and Black & White

In mathematics and physics, Lissajous curves are graphs that depict oscillation and waves and compare the frequency and intensity of two waves.
In a vacuum, energy travels as electromagnetic waves, as oscillating electric and magnetic fields. The combined, reflective, and other effects of these energies mold our environment and reality, as well as our visual and auditory sensations.
In these pieces, I study the creation of surfaces and shapes that appear to be simultaneously organic and artificial in images generated using wave patterns.
Artworks are Photograms, exposed directly to black and white Fomapan photographic PE paper, using a modified color CRT-tube. The cathode ray (stream of high-energy electrons) is controlled with electronic sound waves, drawing the forms and patterns of the images. The ray passes through a tilted lens, creating variation in the sharpness of the images. The visible “raster” is actually the color-separation grid inside the used CRT tube. The photographic paper is then hand developed in large baths to enable broad black and white dynamics to each image.
All artworks are made during 2018, and are unique originals, and are impossible to reproduce because of the technique used in making them. An attempt to re-expose an image with the same sound would reproduce a different image.

Lissajous Color – installation

An audiovisual installation where a real-time synthesized soundscape is made visible with modified CRT-tube televisions. The analog audio synthesizers sculpt electricity into waveforms that are played as a sound. The same waveforms also control magnetic fields that bend an electron beam inside the CRT tube. The two-tone signals are used to direct the beam horizontally and vertically, drawing so-called Lissajous Figures onto the screen.
Since the whole process from electricity to sound and the image is analog, it constantly contains small amounts of noise and errors due to, for example, background radiation, magnetic fields, and electricity network fluctuations. Therefore, the artwork is completely time and place-specific.

Killer Laser Robot 1

The process for the artwork started when I was visiting a friend that lives in the middle of the forest in Finland. He told me that he has a powerful laser pen (one that burns eyes faster than we can blink) as self-defense against the suspicious neighbors that live 5 Km away. I told him that I could make him a laser turret robot that he could control wirelessly or over the internet. That idea of conquering the fear of other people by building a laser-shooting robot got stuck in my head, and 3 months later I had my first prototype ready. During the process, I often thought that maybe fear of people is making a dystopian future controlled by killer robots into a realistic scenario.



2007 Tampere polytechnic university/Bachelor of fine arts

Solo exhibitions

2021, LuxHelsinki, Finland
2020, Oksasenkatu11, Helsinki Finland
2020, Galleria Sculptor, Helsinki
2020, Gallerie Luisa Catucci, Berlin,
2019, Lissajous Black & White, Turun Taidehalli, Turku Kunsthalle, Turku, Finland
2018, Maailmankaikkeus, togehter with Wolfgang Spahn & Dominic Eggerman, Gallery Diskurs Berlin, Germany
2013, Hunter-Killer, Walden Kunstaustellungen, Berlin, Germany
2010, Gallery Rajatila, Tampere
2010, Medicine City, Gallery Suomesta, Berlin
2009, Himmeli, Pispala Center For Contemporary Arts, Tampere, Finland
2008, Medicine City, Mansedanse festival, Tampere, Finland
2007, Gallery Rajatila, Tampere, Finland
2006, Samaan aikaan toisaalla/Meanwhile somewhere else, Gallery Maa-tila, Helsinki, Finland
Selected group exhibitions:
2020, Intermission 2, Gallerie Axel Obiger, Berlin
2019, Gallerie Kimgo, Berlin
2019, Storage Stories, Walden Kunstaustellungen, Berlin, Germany
2019, Art Brut-All, DOX center for contemporary art, Prague, Czech Republic
2019, Technogenig, Tampere Finland
2019, Function.Anomy Rathaus-Gallerie Reinickendorf, Berlin, Germany
2018, Maailmankaikkeus, Gallery Diskurs Berlin, Germany
2018, Art-Brut-all, Důl Michal, Ostrava, Czech Republic
2017, Rytmitaju, Hyvinkään taidemuseo, Hyvinkää, Finland
2017, Lux-In, Lux Helsinki, Cable Factory Sea Cable Hall, Helsinki, Finland
2016, Lux Helsinki, Helsinki Finland
2014, Dangerous, Gallerie Spreeviera, Berlin, Germany
2014, Rund und Bunt, Westwerk, Hamburg, Germany
2014, Rund und Bunt, Gallerie Ventilator, Berlin Germany
2014, Ars Lieke, exhibition of electronic art, Kouvola Art Museum, Kouvola Finland
2014, Lux-In, Lux Helsinki, Cable Factory Sea Cable Hall, Helsinki, Finland
2014, Cosmic Death, Transmediale vorspiel, Walden Kunstaustellungen, Berlin,Gemany
2013, Heavy Merry Finland The Dutch Connection, Gallery Titanik, Turku, Finland
2013, Synecdoche, Freies Museum Berlin, Germany
2012, Panmediale, Westwerk, Hamburg, Germany
2012, Panmediale, Walden Kunstaustellungen, Berlin, Germany
2012, Pirkanmaa 5th Trienale, Tampere Kunsthalle, Finland
2012, Mediengau/Panmediale, Freies Museum Berlin
2011, Best of 2010, Suomesta Galleria, Berlin
2010, Schiphorst Avantgarde festival, germany
2010, Rakentajat/Builders, Kuopion Taidemuseo/ Art Museum of Kuopio
2010, Tulevaisuuskuvia, enivronmental art, Tampere
2010, Pixelache festival/Self Sustainable Party Container, Kiasma, HKI
2009, Valon voimat/Forces of light, Helsinki, Finland
2009, Pirkanmaan 4. Trienaali/ 4th Pirkanmaa Trienale, Tampereen Taidemuseo
2009, Avantgarde Festival, Schiphorst, Germany
2008,Paine, Art museum of Jyväskylä, Finland
2008, Conflux, Museum for Architecture, New York, USA
2008, Urb08, Urban arts festival, Conteporary Art Museum Kiasma, Helsinki, Fin.
2008, Environmental Art, Vaasa housing fair 2008, Finland
2007, B/surma, Daily lives of burmese people, Galleria välivuosi, Helsinki, Finland
2007, Swaeg Art, collective collage, Conteporary Art Museum Kiasma, Helsinki, Fin.
2007, Swaeg Art, Urban collage, Art Museum of Rovaniemi, Finland
2007, Environmental Art, Kaustinen Folk Music Festival, Kaustinen, Finland
2007, Shy Pee, Gallery of Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn, Estonia
2006, AVO, Finlayson urban art exhibition, Tampere, Finland
2006, Rassut, Rajataide ry 10 years anniversary exhibition, TR1, Tampere, Finland
2006, SWAEG ART, Gallery Huoltamo, Tampere, Finland

Selected Other artistic activities

2010, Magistrale 2010 festival, Berlin, Live Performance
2008, Street Art Workshop, Balta Nakts (White Night) Festival,Riga Latvia
2008, Signals from the south seminar, Kiasma, Helsinki
2007, Swaeg Art, collective collage, Conteporary Art Museum Kiasma, Helsinki, Fin.
2005, Encounters in intercultural art projects – symposium on art and knowledge, HIAP, Helsinki
2004 – 2005, Message workshop, collective drawing with Myanmar youth, Yangon, Myanmar
2004, tärypääpyrät, Sound art performance with Merja Kokkonen (islaja), Sound art concert, Telakka, Tampere
2004, Sound art performance in the opening of Gallery Galhalla, Tampere, Finland
2004 – Co-founder of SWAEG collective. Club events, happenings, record label and street art. www.swaeg.net


Grants & Prizes
Working grants

2018: Arts Promotion Centre Finland
2016: Finnish Culture Foundation, Arts Promotion Centre Finland
2015: Finnish Culture Foundation
2012: Alfred Kordelin Foundation
2011: Arts Council of Tampere, Finland


Project grants

2016: Arts Promotion Centre Finland
2014: Arts Promotion Centre Finland
2014: Arts Promotion Centre Finland
2013: Kulturstftung der länder, Berlin
2012: Alfred Kordelin Foundation
2011: Finnish Culture Foundation
2010: Finnish Culture Foundation
2009: Arts Council of Tampere, Finland
Travel grants
2010: Finnish Culture Foundation
2008: AVEK, Arts Promotion Centre Finland


Muu Ry
Rajataide Ry
Swaeg Ry

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